- THE Proven Conservative
There are significant differences between the Candidates.
Clint Moore strongly supports President Bush's Marriage Protection Constitutional Amendment, as well as the Republican Party National Platform's call for a Human Life Constitutional Amendment, while Ted Poe is now on record as “Undecided” on the Marriage Protection Amendment, and is now on record as opposing a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution. The choice is now clear for Republicans when it comes to the Congressional District 2 race. Clint Moore is the true, proven Conservative Republican candidate for Congress in District 2. Moore said the distinction between himself and Ted Poe could not now be clearer, when it comes to two key conservative issues. “It is astonishing that Ted Poe is “undecided” (source: Texas Christian Coalition Voters Guide and the Free Market Foundation Voters guide) on the need for a Marriage Protection Constitutional Amendment, and Poe also opposes a Human Life Constitutional Amendment (source: RNC for Life - )”, Moore said. “I proudly stand with President Bush for a Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage between one man and one woman now, and with our Republican National Platform and our President for a Human Life Amendment, as well. Ted Poe apparently does not support President Bush on the urgent need for a Marriage Protection Amendment, nor does he support the President and the Republican Party National Platform on the need for a Human Life Amendment. Tim Lambert, Republican National Committeeman from Texas, agreed with Moore's concern about Poe, "All true Republicans and Conservatives should be appalled at Ted Poe's stated refusal to support a Marriage Protection Amendment, as well as a Human Life Amendment. Republicans in District 2 need to realize that Ted Poe will not best represent their views in Congress, based on his misguided beliefs. Clearly, Clint Moore is the true conservative choice for Congressman in District 2, and has the track record in the Party to prove it.” Clint Moore Vs. Ted Poe on 2 key
Constitutional amendment issues press release. As stated in the press release above, links to the candidates positions: Marriage Protection Amendment sources of candidate positions: Texas Christian Coalition: Human Life Amendment source of candidate positions: RNC for Life:
There are significant
reasons why Clint is endorsed by an
group of Conservative and Republican Leaders