A Leader in Business, Science, Government & Politics

Clint Moore


Clint on the Move

  Talks & Papers     







The Evolution of a Proven Giant Oil & Gas Play in Subsalt Miocene Lower Slope Sands-Reservoirs of the Federal Offshore OCS Shelf, US Gulf of Mexico
Dwight "Clint" Moore with Bill Lefler, Tom Uphoff, Rich Heaney, & Mike Neese
SIPES Houston – Houston, Texas    September 21, 2017


Advanced Exploration Technology and Concepts - Key to Future U.S. Gulf of Mexico Deep Shelf Oil and Gas
Dwight "Clint" Moore, Michael Neese, Rich Heaney, Bill Lefler and Tom Uphoff
#42047 (2017)


Deepwater Subsalt-Suprasalt Middle to Lower Slope Sands and Reservoirs of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: The Evolution of an Exciting Giant Field Concept
Dwight "Clint" Moore, Bill Lefler, Rich Heaney, Mike Neese and Tom Uphoff
#42048 (2017)

Flower Garden Banks & Beyond
September 2012

Save The Blue
September 2012

GOM Reefs & Banks: E&P Industry Policy Concerns
August 2012

The Flower Garden Banks & Beyond
July 2012

Future Oil & Gas Development in the Offshore Gulf of Mexico
February 2012

Future Offshore Oil & Gas Development
December 2011

Save The Blue
December 2011

US Atlantic Margin Geotechnical Evaluation
October 2011

FGBNMS Boundary Expansion Process
May 2011

Future Offshore Gulf of Mexico Oil & Gas
May 2011


Dwight "Clint" Moore , 2010 & 2009
"Pioneering the Global Subsalt-Presalt Play:
The World Beyond Mahogany (USA) Field"

in AAPG International Conference Abstracts, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, November 2009 &
in AAPG Annual Conference Abstracts, New Orleans, April 2010


Montgomery, S. and Dwight "Clint" Moore, 1997
"Subsalt Play, Gulf of Mexico: A Review"
in AAPG Bulletin, June 1997, v. 81, no. 6, pg. 871-96


Dwight "Clint" Moore, Snyder, F.C., and S.S. Rutkowski, 1995
"Supra-salt stacked condensed sections (SCS): Potential indicators of subsalt stratigraphy"
in Salt, Sediment, and Hydrocarbons, GCS-SEPM, 16th Annual Research Conference,


Harrison, H., Dwight "Clint" Moore, and P. Hodgkins, 1995
The Mahogany subsalt discovery: a unique hydrocarbon play, offshore Louisiana
in Salt, Sediment, and Hydrocarbons, GCS-SEPM, 16th Annual Research Conference,
p. 95-7


Dwight "Clint" Moore, Harrison, H. , and Snyder, F.C., 1995
"Sedimentary inclusions and internal salt stratigraphy within allochthonous salt sheets"
in Salt, Sediment, and Hydrocarbons, GCS-SEPM, 16th Annual Research Conference,
p. 193-4


Dwight "Clint" Moore, and R.O. Brooks, 1995
"The Evolving Exploration of the Subsalt Play in the offshore Gulf of Mexico
in GCAGS Transactions, v. 45, p. 7-12.


Dwight "Clint" Moore, Editor-in-Chief - HGS/NOGS Guidebook, 1993,
206 pgs.
"Productive Low Resistivity Well Logs of the Offshore Gulf of Mexico"
(Available from the HGS and NOGS)


Brooks, R. O. and Dwight "Clint" Moore, 1993
"Horizontal Components of Gulf of Mexico Salt Tectonics"
in AAPG Hedberg Research Conference on Salt Tectonics, p. 1-4.


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